SOHO Solution

Syncbox Server for Windows

This software turns an existing PC immediately into a dedicated server and one can enjoy Syncbox file synchronization and sharing services right away. Click here to download Syncbox Server for Windows.

Syncbox Server for NAS and Embedded Platforms

Since 2012, Syncbox Server has been shipped with Omnitech NAS products.

Commonly known as Network Attached Storage and particularly designed to provide storage services over network, NAS has many advantages over PC such as tiny size, very low noise and consumption of power.

This following screen shot of Omnitech NAS management console demonstrates how easy using NAS can be, as it is almost identical to using Windows.

Besides Syncbox Services, Omnitech NAS can also be used to share files in home network, back up your important data, download and watch your favorite movies, or set up your own web site, all done within a few steps.

If you manufacture NAS or network device and you're interested, please contact to seek cooperation opportunities with Syncbox.
